Paul Naveau

Paul Naveau started his adult life as a biologist working for the government, but that was only a catalyst to connect further with his passion for presentations and public speaking. Everywhere around him he could see presentations that didn’t work… He took a leap and turned his life around to save good people from bad presentations, both the speakers and the audiences! Today he’s a storyteller, Prezi specialist, PowerPoint & Keynote designer, presentation coach and trainer. Paul works with dedicated entrepreneurs to present their company with more impact. He works with CEO’s and key employees, offering 1-on-1 coaching and team trainings for a delivery that connects with the audience. He works on projects leading to a specific presentation or general coaching and training. He’s a member of PSA Belgium and the VSAI (Virtual Speaking Association International). Recently he joined the relational presence (based on Lee Glickstein’s work) network to help connect speakers with their audience on the most fundamental level.

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